your poison is our medicineappropriates and intervenes in museum didactics and display (generated from the Field Museum) to reframe our relationship to poisonous plants (from the Anacardiaceae family) and current environmental crises (such as overconsumption, water scarcity, and climate change). It is a proposition to deepen our awareness of the structures that create ecocide (colonialism and global capitalist economies) and mobilize actions towards transformative change. Throughout the wall label text, I mix prose poetry with gathered research and redactions of taxonomical writings on the poison ivy and pistachio plants. The footnotes act as a site of potentiality engaging source material, personal narratives, and decolonial, environmental, and social activist strategies. In the installation, citations vibrate outside of the page and are reflected in the images transferred onto the insides of pistachio shells, alongside sound works that punctuate the silence ([11] dream record, [13] song/prayer, [24] pistachio shell snaps, and [26] a clip of Nina Simone covering George Harrison’s “Isn’t it a Pity”). These multisensory forms of translation broaden research into felt sense and realign the viewer with a kincentric understanding of being in, of, and with the living world.